There’s a Wizard Harry

Destiny Journal Entry 3: Taking Down a Wizard

After yesterday’s successful retrieval of a Warp Drive for my ship I headed back to the Tower to see what was next. Apparently another trip back to Russia…But before I got there, I reached Level 4.

I also got some new weapons. This time I made sure to grab the one with a fully automatic setting – that single-shot gun worked ok, but I was not very good with it. It took way to long for me to kill anything one shot at a time. I grabbed the Marshal-A auto rifle, not too fancy, but it has an attack rating of 17 and a magazine of 22 both of which were better than the starting gun I was using.

I also managed to get a screenshot of the sniper rifle I’ve been using, the Calcutta-LR2. This thing only has an attack rating of 5, but it sure seems to take care of most things with a single shot – which is good since it only holds 4 bullets.

So now that I’ve updated my equipment – I also got new armor and a cape I’ll take pictures of tomorrow – I headed back to Russia. Surprisingly, nothing had changed but this time I was headed to the Lunar Complex in the Mothyards.

After fighting a bunch of generic mobs, I ran into what my Ghost called – a Wizard.

This guy threw some electrical fireball thing that packed a punch and was shielded pretty good as well. Being a boss, he also kept calling buddies to fight along-side him. With my new weapons, the minions weren’t too bad this time and when I took them all out (a few times) I was able to face him 1 on 1. That’s when I broke out my secret weapon – my new Super Power!!!

Hunter Power Activate…shape of A BIG GUN.

When I got to level 4 I was able to unlock my Golden Gun and man does it do some damage…

Actually, I’m not sure how much damage it does, but it does enough. That splatter was the Wizard my Ghost feared…he wasn’t so bad after all.

With him dead, the mission ended and I headed back to the Tower for my next mission.

I felt much better about that mission than the previous one. I think I might be getting the hang of the game a bit since I’ve played a few quests and leveled up a bit. That first death yesterday was a setback, but I think I could have avoided it if I played smarter…now I’m doing just that. Particularly, I’m not running up to a boss to engage him in melee.