Stonemen…From Saturn!
Journey Into Mystery #83 – The Stonemen from Saturn!

This issue introduces Thor to the Marvel Universe, and it’s not the movie origin story. In the comic, Thor is a doctor (Donald Blake) who happens to be on a vacation to Norway where he gets trapped in a cave while running to escape from the Stonemen. Exploring the cave, he discovers a cane that in desperation, he strikes against the cave wall, and he becomes Thor. The comic then goes on to explain the various powers of Thor… indestructible hammer that returns when thrown, superhuman strength, power over nature’s storms. Dr. Blake…Thor then turns his attention back to the reason he was trapped in the cave – the Stonemen. They’re preparing an invasion of Earth but Thor shows them that’s not a very good idea. Crash, thump, clang, and the Stonemen head off back to Saturn bested by the Mighty Thor.
The plot’s not great, the art is fine for the time, and the villians are basically what I’ve come to expect from early Marvel (except for Doctor Doom) – not that great, but this IS the beginning of one of the main characters in the Marvel Universe. I’d say read it, but don’t expect much. I’ll give this one a B.