Please Call MIA
Don’t be Missing in Action
League of Legends is a game of teamwork – with 5 players working together to ensure victory. They may begin the game relatively separated in their own lanes, but it quickly becomes obvious that each lane is dependent on the other and the jungler needs to apply focused effort to help difficult lanes or to press successful ones. One of the many tools to help with this teamwork is the Smart Ping, and the one I’m interested in today is the MIA ping.
In order for a team to function smoothly there has to be communication and Riot has actually done something smart. Instead of requiring players to type into chat, a warning of opposing players that have left their lane, they provide the ability to quickly signal this MIA with a key press and mouse move. Pressing V or G and sliding the mouse up, anyone will see a Danger (!) exclamation mark on the main screen and minimap. Pressing V or G and sliding Left and you get to mark an MIA – Missing In Action. This question mark warning is one of the most important user interface features of League but it seems there are so many people who don’t know how to use it or apparently know what it means.
When a lane opponent leaves your lane, or disappears, or goes back to base, or for what ever reason this member of the opposing team is not visible on your screen or minimap, it is crucial that you, as a team player, let your teammates know that this champ could be anywhere but is not where they are expected – in your lane.
I am pretty sure that this is one of the main reasons that people fail to advance out of Bronze – they fail to signal or attend to MIA warnings.
It’s a very simple thing and one that immediately should put everyone on the team on heightened alert.
When you can’t see someone there are lots of places they can be…headed to another lane…picking up a buff or other activity in their jungle…invading your jungle…attacking the dragon, rift herald, or baron…or they could just be back in base. Any and all of these things are important to know – and it’s important that you do everything you can to let your teammates know these things as well.
Sure, map awareness, last hitting, and positioning are important for winning, but the simple effort required to signal MIA could be one of the most important things to learn in League of Legends.
Call MIA = Win More Games.