Rambling about Silver 3 and the Alone Champion
Things were a bit slower for me today, but the world was still a bit intense so instead of watching Mr. Robot, I’ll do some rambling about Silver 3 and the Alone champion. At some point this weekend I will watch the season opener of Mr. Robot even if things continue to be chaotic in the real world, I just didn’t feel like I could focus on such an intense show when so much was happening in reality. League and the Alone finale were mellow enough for me to get into as a diversion even though the show was filled with a lot of raw emotion as people were struggling to mentally tough it out all by themselves.

Silver 3 and 50%
I finally made it to Silver 3 in League of Legends and made a decent run once there, but ran into some stiff competition. After having gone 1–1 to start my promo series, I turned things around and pulled off 3 wins in a row. This put me over the top and into Silver 3 – wohoo! I’d have to say that even though I made it to the next rank, I really have started hating on Master Yi again. In his current state, he is pretty powerful, at least when I have to face him as Zyra. As it is, I don’t have many escapes, but with his abilities, I can root him with my E, run away, slow him with Frost Queen’s, and slow him further with Rylai’s, and he still can chase me down and Q me to death. Most of my deaths in these 3 wins were to people playing Yi, as I kept seeing him in matches.
My good fortune would not hold out though. Even though I put up good numbers with a 3.1 KDA, I felt I was not playing to my potential because I died too many times. 20 deaths in 3 games is too much for me to think I played well. But I was in Silver 3 and happy. The next 3 games showed me how right I was about not playing well, and also pointed out how reliant on having a decent ADC it can be to get assists. In my 3 wins, I put up 47 assists which is pretty good for 3 games…in the next 3 matches, I only managed 17. Having a Lucian, a Vayne, and a Jinx who collectively managed 14 kills over 3 games; a Kindred, a Nidalee, and an Evelynn who put up a 0.94 KDA over those 3 games, and you can see how things can take a turn for the worse. I didn’t do so hot with a 1.11 KDA, but it certainly seemed that Riot was laughing at consistently matching me with underperformers.
In any case, I am sitting at 0 LP in Silver 3. Hopefully I can turn things around soon or I’ll be trying to get back into Silver 3. I really hate when I start going 50/50 with games. I know I am better than that, but I think I get too engrossed and need to pull back so I can start to analyze my gameplay and focus on what works while eliminating what doesn’t.
Wow! I did not expect this person to win. I really had my money on 2 other people to be the finalists and thought the guy who eventually won was gonna tap out around 2 months. The thing was, though, that he had food. And not a boring, “I’ll go see if my gill net caught me anything” type of food. He had to be active to keep himself fed. I think that was his key. The others did well, but when all they were doing was waiting for food to show up, they started focusing on being lonely and that mentally depleted them. This guy though, had to hunt…everyday he had to go out and actively do something in order to survive – that ‘job’ gave him the mental state to keep going in my view.
Overall, I thought it was a good season. I’m pissed they showed a wolf at the beginning of each episode in the intro, but he never showed up in the show that I saw. Other than that, I thought they had a good group of survivors. The women did just as well as the men and I actually thought Nicole had a shot at winning it, but she just couldn’t keep going. I applaud them all for giving it a try. This has to be one of the toughest ‘reality’ competition shows out there. I certainly would not make it very long all by myself.