Rambling about a Second Season, Promos, and Trying to find a Pikachu
Lots of things on my mind today so here’s a bit of rambling about a second season, promos, and trying to find a Pikachu. The season I’m talking about is Mr. Robot and I am so excited that it’s finally back. As far as the promos, Silver 3 is finally in my sights and I plan on taking care of business. And since Pokémon GO is everywhere, I had to mention it.
Mr. Robot Second Season
The Mr. Robot season premiere was last night and I am sad to say, I haven’t watched it yet. Starting at 10 pm, I couldn’t stay awake for the hour and a half show. I’m totally excited though and will watch it tonight as soon as I get home. It’s gonna be interesting to see where things head after the craziness that was the end of last season.
Entering Promos

I’ve been stringing together some wins in League and surprisingly, the client hasn’t been crashing for a few days. Things are going well and I’m starting to get used to patch 6.14 – perhaps they caught the bug that was causing all the troubles. Things are going so well that I’ve actually made it to promos for Silver 3. Unfortunately though, I got smacked around in my first promo match. That update to Leona is tough and her stun lasts forever. Actually though, Twitch and I won bot lane, but our Ekko and Sejuani played like it was their first times on their champs – neither knew how to perform their combos and they kept feeding. Oh well, I’ve got a few more tries to get through victorious and I’ll eventually get to Silver 3.
Pokémon GO continues

I am so sad. On day one, I saw my first Pikachu, as I mentioned in a previous post, it of course got away as I was just learning the game and the servers were very temperamental. Unfortunately, that’s been the only Pikachu that I have seen in the game. Someday, I’ll catch me one, but for now, I’m sad. I did manage to find and catch a Vulpix and a Growlithe, but for the most part, I’ve been catching a bunch of Rattata’s which seem to be the most abundant critter by my workplace with Pidgey’s coming in a close second. This weekend, I’m planning on walking around the bay so maybe I’ll find some water Pokémon…fingers crossed.