Rambling about League and the All-Star Game
Win some lose some in League of Legends
In today’s battles, I lost my first fight and won the second and third…and gained a few LP. The first game featured a Draven who I thought was pretty good for the first 5 minutes, but then he gave up 3 deaths over the next 5. He kept heading straight into their Tristana/Thresh combo and well…getting combo’d. It was a pretty sorry sight and there was nothing I could do. I tried to explain that he should play a bit safer, but that advice got met with disdain and insults, blaming me for his running into their attacks. Oh well – there are plenty of this type of player so I’m used to it by now. The other thing that hurt us this game was no one listened when I asked to “pls ban Hecarim”. Of course the opposing team grabbed him and he ran all over the place killing everyone – not fun.
The last game of the day featured a decent Lucian who although he died 11 times, slaughtered Nami. She went down 13 times and her ADC, Kalista, 8 more. The game dragged on though as their Olaf was pretty dominant. He really causes trouble – particularly for Zyra – since he gains immunity from CC with his skills. He can get really difficult, at least until I get my Void Staff as Zyra. Once I can get through his MR, I can chunk him down to size and he becomes much easier to handle.
On the whole, a decent 2–1 day in League.
All-Star game
In the game, Mike Trout did not win the MVP for a change. That’s not to say he didn’t play well, but he only got a single in the first inning increasing his streak to 5 All-Star games in a row with a hit. Eric Hosmer deserved the MVP this year with a homer, 2 hits, and 2 RBIs. On the whole, the game had its exciting moments with a late inning bases loaded situation and a bunch of runners on base late in the game so it was fun to listen to as I was running errands.
I think the thing I’ll remember most though – no it’s not Big Papi – I really don’t like him and think he’s overrated – was the naming of the NL Batting title in honor of Tony Gwynn. I think that’s a wonderful tribute to a great and humble baseball player. Hopefully everyone who wins the award will be such an upstanding person as Tony was.