97 Days Until San Diego Comic-Con 2016

I’m not usually one to stand in lines for hours to pick up con exclusives, but these from Hallmark might just do the trick…

With the 50th anniversary of Star Trek this year, this ornament seems like a great gift or just a neat collectible for me or any of the people on my list that love Star Trek…namely, everyone I know. I’ve got a 20 questions Enterprise that I received as a gift a few years ago that I love playing with, but this is something guaranteed to be in a prominent location at least once a year.

If you prefer the ‘other’ Stars…

You can choose the Boba Fett (Star Wars) ornament. Personally, I can see getting all three and having a very Stary Christmas.

I think Hallmark has put together a set of ornaments that could see me standing in line this year. Good thing I was lucky enough to get tickets to preview night this year.

Comics Corner 1.11