A Journey that Begins with a Win

With all the rain and crazy driving yesterday I also lucked out because I found a 2 1/2 inch screw stuck in my passenger front tire. Fortunately I noticed that the tire was low on air so I saw the screw and immediately took it to the shop. I was planning on taking it in this week in any case since my 45,000 mile check up was due at the end of February so I essentially killed two birds with one stone. I'm just glad nothing happened to the tire with that screw in it before I saw it. But of course once again I have a time shortage. Running back-and-forth to the car mechanic, getting the tire repaired, and the tune-up took a huge chunk out of my day and so I didn't get much opportunity to get much gaming in.

A 3-2 Start in Season 6

This past weekend however I was able to get some League of Legends play in. I started my journey from the bottom of Bronze V and hopefully I will move beyond the bronze ranking this season.

The first five games in my quest to break out of Bronze were moderately successful. I went 3-2 and ended up with 43 LP. Right now I am focusing on playing Support or Mid lane, with support as my preference, and I've been using Lux and Zyra as my primary champions. I think these two provide pretty good utility and damage and their win rates so far this season seem to be above 50% around the league.

In my first game, I was teamed as Lux with a Jinx who was pretty good. We took on a Vayne and Shen who had a though time dealing with our aggression, but it was the Katarina on our team who was the star – pulling in 11 out of 39 of the kills. I ended up with a 2.25 KDA and a 23% kill participation and felt pretty good about the game.

The second game pitted me as Lux with a Corki against a bot lane of Nautilus/Lucian. We dominated with Corki dropping 16 kills in 24 minutes with only 2 deaths. I assisted in most of his kills which resulted in a 46% participation and a whopping 10 KDA – I only died twice as well. After 24 minutes, the opposing team surrendered.

The next two games were not so great…It seemed that I ran into some rookies or at least some teammates who were not focused on the game well enough. In game 3, my Ezreal partner died 12 times, but it was our midlaner, Yasuo, who lost it for us, dying 16 times in a 46 minute game. Try as I might, my 8 kills could not overcome our 10 kill deficit and we lost a hard fought game. In game 4, it was the Volibear jungler who contributed most to our defeat. He had a difficult time figuring out when/how to gank, and more often ended up providing a kill for the enemy team rather than assisting any of the lanes. My partner, Tristana, started out with a rough game, but turned it around at the end, but it was not enough to carry us out of the deficit Voli created and we lost in 44 minutes. I ended with a 1.7 KDA and a 54% participation rate.

The last game, I actually pulled midlane and went with Zyra against Annie. This Annie wasn't bad, but she seemed to only be able to play for her combo – flash, stun, Tibbers. She was pretty much non-existent after the combo so I easily won lane, even with 5 deaths. One thing I want to make sure to do before I play as Annie is to not only perfect my ult combo, but to understand how to use ALL my abilities even when Tibbers is not ready.

Overall, I finished the first 5 games on my journey with a 2.7 KDA and 45% kill participation. I'm a bit disappointed with my 3-2 record, but I am just starting out this season. I gotta keep my eye on the prize…I will make it out of Bronze this season!

Morning Ramble 2.26