The Week That Was…September 27th, 2015

This week has been crazy. Work has been holding my attention most days from 6am to 7pm and I'm pretty exhausted afterwards. But that hasn't stopped the real world – I'm pretty sure we have some raccoons or other critter(s) that have come to live in the attic. So my time not thinking about work has been spent working on a solution to extract said rodents…not fun…and if I was leveling up in this skill, I'd say it's a grind. No entry or exit is obvious when looking around the outside of the house, but they make noises and scratching sounds around 5:30am the past few days. I think it's time for a professional…



On the gaming front, I've already rambled about my frustration with AFKs and lag in League and my struggles with DOTA 2's camera movement, but I am pleased to say that after 4 days and many calls to Time Warner Cable, I downloaded the content for Elder Scrols Online and Destiny for my new PS4. I haven't played yet because of my other activities, but they are ready and waiting for me.



A look at the TV side of things, I was able to watch a few of the new shows, and I'd have to say so far, my favorites are The Muppets and Scream Queens. Both shows surprised me. The Muppets we're clever and did not turn me off – being more “adult” than other Muppet shows, and SQ was actually quite funny and as we all learned with Guardians of the Galaxy, a great soundtrack can make a show – all the 80s and 90s music really had me paying attention to the details that they obviously paid close attention to. Definitely going to keep watching these 2 over the next few weeks to see if they can keep up the good stuff that interested me.


Oh well, once again I don't have much time, so I'm gonna leave it at that. Pretty good week, but busy as hell. Hope things go well this week and work starts to slow down; and of course we come up with a solution to the raccoon/rodent problem.