League of Frustration

I think I'm going to have to put league of legends on the shelf for at least a week. After my post yesterday about dying too much as Xin, I decided to play more of a support role. So I decided to work with Janna. She's a pretty good support champ and I thought I knew her fairly well. I guess I really don't know whether I know her or can play her or not. Here's what happened… My first game I had someone leave after five minutes. Rage quitting happens all the time but it is really frustrating when there are nine other players in the game and somebody quits. I think this is one of the largest problems with league of legends – so many people quitting after five or 10 minutes.

My second game was another great one (sarcasm). I had a Fizz who decided he didn't want to play midlane after calling it. So he called midlane, picked his midlane champ – Fizz – and let everybody else pick and since I had last pick I went support with Janna. Little did I know I should've gone with one of my normal supports such as Morgana or Zyra since I can always to go midlane with them if I need to. Fizz said I had to go mid with a character I have barely played since he was countered. While Janna can play mid, I can't play it well with her at my current skill level. It was a disaster and I got 2 kills to 8 deaths. It was not a fun game and once again resulted in a loss.

My third game also involved a midlaner who didn't really want to play midlane. This time I had a person call mid who decided he was going to play Garen. Now I don't know about anyone else but I've been playing league of legends for probably around three years now and have never in all my thousands of games, played and watched, seen a Garen play midlane. Not only was he playing an unconventional midlane champ, this guy had one ranked game as Garen this season. He told us to trust him and OK I guess we had to. I'm sure you can imagine how my game went with him. He went 1-8, we lost the game, and I still don't know how I play Janna midlane, support, or Janna at all.

Guess I needed to rant today.

Morning Ramble #20

#LoL #LeagueOfLegends