Surviving and Learning

Surviving as Xin is hard, learning WoW mechanics is easy and Spectre looks great.

Staying alive as Xin Zhao

I really need to work on how to survive as Xin Zhao. In most of the games I've been playing lately, I have had at least 10 deaths – and usually close to the same number of deaths as I get kills. My KDA is usually pretty good but I die way too much. I think part of it is itemization. I go with the sated devour and that seems to work well for killing the enemy. My problem I think might be in my second item which tends to be BotRK. Perhaps I should focus more on a defensive item as my second selection. My other big problem is selection of fights. I have a tendency of trying to jump through the enemy's frontline to attack their ADC or midlane champ. This usually gets me at least one kill as I destroy the squishes. The problem comes when I get cc'd and melted by their frontline and the few hits that their squishes do before they die. I think I need to select my battles much better than I currently do. I think by building a little bit more defensively starting with my second item and selecting my battles better I will become a much better Xin player and be able to start moving up in the rankings.

18 kills is great but if I get 17 deaths that just is not going to work out. At least unless my teammates start pulling their weight as well. I found that with Xin I can really carry a game as long as one other teammate is relatively decent. I find I have a harder time carrying when I play my standard mid laners such as Morgana and Zyra because while they can control the battlefield and get some kills they don't have the burst and destruction power that Xin has.

More farming in WoW

Gee, once that I started getting missions that would send me to attack things, I got another quest that sends me off to go farming. Picking cactus apples is not a very demanding quest but I guess it's something that once again shows early players what type of movement and mechanics are needed in the long term for the game. Having picked up my apples and killed the scouts from the previous mission, I turn them in and jump up to the level 3.

With that I get a new skill – Steady Shot – and the ability to take on my next quest, which is target practice. So far I'm finding the early questS are less than exciting and simply a means to try to show new players to the MMO experience how the mechanics of movement and attacking work in WoW.




Just saw the latest trailer for the next James Bond film, and I am excited for it. I am a die hard James Bond fan having seen all the movies and read several of the books, and I think this movie could be a good one. Based on the trailer, there is tons of action. Mountainous snow scenes, car chases, flying acrobatics, and explosions from Mexico to Rome and London, the trailer lays down some interesting tidbits from the past movies and looks to build upon the talents of Daniel Craig. I am really looking forward to it.

Morning Ramble #19

#LeagueOfLegends #WoW #JamesBond


2 Comments on “Surviving and Learning

  1. For any jungler who isn’t a Tank, the bruiser/brawler types like Xin Zhao need to rush their jungle item and then immediately focus a defensive item or two. When I used to jungle with Xin I would usually rush either sunfire cape or spirit visage depending on if they have more AD or AP, but also keeping in mind who is more fed (their AD or AP carry). I still usually build both items in rapid succession because Xin benefits from faster clear time from the cape along with more health regen via his lifesteal from visage.

    If you build cinderhulk though, swap the cape for a randuins for armor. The cleaver is great if they are tanky, and otherwise you can build other damage items after getting a bit of survivability. He’s also good with trinity force as a second damage item.

    • I was loving the attack speed from BotRK and the Sated Devourer. It boosted my healing by allowing me to hit so quickly, but any CC or AS slows really hurt. I think I agree, a defensive Sunfire Cape or Spirit Visage should help a bunch after the Jungle item.