First 3 Star During War
I finally made a 3 star attack in Clash of Clans.
It's taken a while, but even as a level 6 town hall, I was finally able to get a 3 star attack in during our most recent clan war. I only attacked a th4 village, but they were #45 on our opposing clan while I was #45 in our clan.
I still have yet to master my attack strategy, but for th6 the standard from my research is to use Giants and Healers. My first attack against a th4 did not go so well – the main reason was I neglected to draw out the clan troops to kill them before deploying my giants.
ALWAYS remember to draw out the clan troops. They can be deadly even when facing a th4, and they can wipe out all your attacking forces before you know it.
In the attack that I 3 starred, I did remember to draw out the clan troops and I wiped them out early in the battle. After that, it was just a matter of throwing all my giants in the same area to let them soak up damage while attacking the enemy's defenses. A healer placed behind the giants keeps them from dying, and a set of archers next to the healer makes sure they don't get attacked while they take out resource buildings the giants pass by.

While I did well on offense, I also did ok on defense. My newly redesigned base withstood an attack to the turn of 2 stars when attacked by a th7. But then a th8 sent in an overwhelming force that I could not hold off and they got a 3 star from me. I feel pretty good about requiring them to send 2 attacks to get 3 stars and hope that my new base design holds up for future battles.