Chronicles of Vagari in Azeroth – Chapter 3

After attaining level 3 , I continued my assault on the Bristleback and Thorncallers until I had fulfilled Adana's quest. This was made easier with the addition of Moonfire to my skillset.
Moonfire is a great spell that I know will be come a large part of my damage. It does a burst of damage instantly and then applies a DOT (damage over time) that does another bunch of damage over 14 seconds. A good strategy that I use is a cast of Wrath followed by Moonfire so that both spells hit at the same time (Wrath has a travel time while Moonfire is instant). That combo does about 120 damage over the 14 second span which is pretty good at level 3.
With both spells, my staff is getting much less use, but it don't mind – I'd rather kill my enemies before they reach me to cause me any damage.
Once I get the rifles from the thieves and take down 7 Thorncallers, I head back to Adana to see if she has anything else for me to do.
Apparently the Bristleback are even worse than previously thought. They are training wild boars and putting armor on them and using them to ravage the countryside. This is definitely unacceptable, and Adana tasks me with taking care of the problem.
I head over to the boar pens to take down the abominations and destroy the troughs that are causing these poor animals to become war machines.

With so many boar around, I can't kill them all, but I get 10 and destroy the troughs that are corrupting them. Adana is pleased when I get back and gives me her blessing as I advance to level 4. But when she begins to outline my next task I get scared – she wants me to confront Chief Squealer Thornmantle – the beast who killed Greatmother Hawkwind.

Ive got to take a break to collect myself before I take on this task.
This is post 29 in my Blaugust Challenge.
#Blaugust #WoW #Druid #Mulgore