A New Day in Wurm Online
Wurm Online opens Xanadu island and I continue my core challenge.
Wurm Online opens Xanadu Island – I start with the tutorial
With the new island opening up in Wurm, I decided to revisit the world, and while things have changed, they are also very familiar.

First off, the tutorial is dramatically different. When starting fresh in the world, there is no character creation as in many MMOs, Wurm just throws you in with no race selection, no gender selection, or class selection. The reason is plain – you can only be human in Wurm, no elves, dwarves, orcs, or chua allowed. There are no classes as you can do anything you want in the game, you just need to build up the skill through use – want to build a boat – train the skills, want to ride a horse – train the skills, want to be an archer – train the skills. And as far as gender goes, I found out too late that the question asked when creating your account (out of game on the web site) was referring to what gender you want to play ingame rather than what your real life gender is.
Anyway, back to the tutorial – this version does not hold your hand. In order to get into the game and join an island community previously, you were forced to step through the tutorial and perform the actions required to get to the point where you chose your island. In the new tutorial, you are simply pointed at a number of glowing tiles that provide tutorial information. There is no guided path through the learning, you just try to find all the glowy tiles and hope you covered the entire thing. On the other hand, there is UI element called the Book of Wisdom that contains all the lessons from the tutorial and can be accessed simply by clicking on it.
The new tutorial seems to cover more material than the old one which is definitely a plus, but it is all narration without any action. The old tutorial asked you to actually click on things and perform the opening, digging, chopping, and fire starting while the new one just tells you about what keys to press and what items to activate. Where previously, you had to manually flatten terrain to proceed, now, you are told the basics of slope and the dig command, and left to figure out the details on your own.
I can see some pros and cons to the new tutorial, I am just glad I knew what I was doing. There is a lot of information there, but because it is not guided, you can miss something kinda important. If you really run into issues, there is always the wurmpedia that provides good explainations of things.
I went through the tutorial and chose the new land of Xanadu only to realise that my character was male when I looked in my hand mirror, so I’ll have to start over. One thing about the new tutorial is that you don’t really gain in any skills because you don’t actually have to do anything, just read about it, so I don’t have to go through it a second time.
With little time, I’ll start up my new female character tomorrow.
A light day of exercise
Day 9:
- 60 second plank
- 10 plank reaches
#Wurm #Xanadu #Tutorial