Fitness, League, Monsters, and Rainbows
This was NOT me after my workout.

Getting a good start
Day two of my exercise reboot and I continued with my Core Challenge. So far with my reduced workouts, I have not been having any troubles getting through them. As I found last time, I don't seem to have many issues with any of the exercises in the challenge and I am actually doing what I believe to be the correct plank reaches this time.
Week 1 Day 2:
- 10 Push-ups
- 15 second Plank
- 12 Plank Reaches
Making a run at Silver
After getting through my workout, I turned to League of Legends. A few days ago I reached Bronze division 1 for the first time and was excited – today, I actually started my first promotion series to go to Silver tier. In League, the advancement between divisions is regulated by a best out of three series – win 2 and you advance. When advancing to the next tier, the series is best three out of five. So I had to win 3 games out of five to get promoted. I was ready…or so I thought.
In my first game, I played as my favorite champion – Morgana. I was able to take her mid and fight against Ziggs. I was pretty pleased to be able to best him is CS, and while he got a few good kill shots with his ultimate, we did end up with the same 2.5 KDA. While I held Ziggs under control mid, Jinx dominated as our ADC with 17 kills and Lee Sin freely roamed the jungle for us tallying up 10 kills. The win was my 7th in a row, and I felt good about my series.
The second game in my series saw me with the support role. I was able to grab Morgana again, but instead of ignite, I took heal as my second summoner spell to compliment my usual flash. Miss Fortune was my ADC and while she rolled to a 3.33 KDA, I racked up a 7.0. That was plenty against the Lucian/Thresh combo we faced who went .57 and .8 KDA. The real star of the game, though, was our mid laner – Lux who got 6 kills to no deaths.
After winning the first two games of the best of five series, I was pretty happy. I wanted to quickly win my next game to make it to Silver, but had to take a break.
Penny Dreadful – Resurrection
After my workout and league play, I had the pleasure of catching up on this week's episode of Penny Dreadful. The third episode spent considerable time covering the back story of Dr. Frankenstein's first creation – Caliban. Human cruelty and kindness are highlighted in the tale of how Caliban went from a outcast to Quasimodo-like stagehand and he searches out his creator to help him find (or create) his Esmeralda. Along with Frankenstein's monster, we get plenty of discussion of vampires and our first sign of potential werewolves. While this episode was a step down from the last, it progressed the story and was a good watch.
Reading Rainbow Kickstarter
Finally, it is good to see people supporting a good thing. Reading Rainbow, which helped turn many children on to reading, just started a Kickstarter campaign and they already reached their first goal. $1 million was pledged during the first 24 hours, and they are now working on stretch goals. I wish them all the luck in the world.