Trapped Titan…almost
The big excitement for today happened during a fleet op in Eve. As has been the case for the past few weeks, a fleet was called to go shooting structures. Unfortunately, I was late, and missed the call by over 30 minutes – the fleet had already left and was off doing whatever they were going to do, so I waited in station.

Reinforcement Fleet
After a bit, there was a call for a reinforcement fleet to go out and assist. I hopped into my Instacane (this was my first time flying one in a fleet), and headed out to the staging POS. Landing, I moved to bridge distance from the Ragnarok that was to be our bus to the fun. Little did I know that this titan was going to carry us all the way to the front.
We bridged to our midpoint, then a second midpoint with the titan following and us waiting for it's cap to fill back up at each step. Upon reaching the second bridge system and watching our ride warp off from the cyno, we were informed that the Goons were routed back into station and the current fleet had reinforced the structures. We were standing down.

A Close Call
Apparently titans need a bit of time to get their cap back into shape so they can bridge – well, ours took its time…until…we hear yelling coming over comms…
After what seemed like a very long warp (I am sure it seemed longer for some than others), we arrive on grid with our titan – nothing else on grid.
BLOW UP THE CARGO CONTAINER!… switch overview, and KABOOM!
Everyone spread out and try to decloak the Cheetah.
Apparently, a Cheetah had spotted our titan and we were fortunate that the Ragnarok did not get trapped. We never found the Cheetah, and after what seemed like forever, the titan bridged us back to our midpoint and then home. So I guess, Op success. We didn't really do anything except jump around and nearly get our Titan caught, but the fact that we returned home without any losses was definitely a good thing.