A Shot Across the Bow of Fountain
The war for Fountain has truly begun. This weekend, fleets from across New Eden met up to kickoff the Summer War for Goon Domination or the Please Ignore War or whatever people are calling it. I am calling it fun.

We started out Sunday night leaving our new staging station in Karan and heading to Fountain. I really think the station looks nice and don't mind using it as our temporary home.
After a few Titan bridges, since the jump bridge network is down, I got separated from the fleet in my hurricane. Not wanting to fly in dangerous space with a thin skinned battlecruiser, I swapped out to a bomber and flew to the fight – 17 jumps. It was pretty neat seeing some of the large fleet formations from current Test allies and in J5A, fights were already in progress, but I needed to get into B-D to meet up with the fleet I started out in.

The J5A gate to B-D was busy. But I went through anyway into full TiDi…and…


The other side was a bit busier and in my little stealth bomber, I had to get out of multiple bubbles before I could cloak up and assess the situation. Over 2200 ships in B-D. TEST, Goon, CFC buddies, NC., PL, BL, and many more were all maneuvering at 1/10th real time. It is really amazing how slow things can happen when running in TiDi. But things were still happening, so +1 for CCP.

I finally met up with my fleet and hit a few CFC baddies before we disengaged to get better positioning. But instead of heading back to the gate, we went to the station where another battle had broken out.

The battles raged on for over five hours that I was able to participate in. Each side took plenty of losses and each claimed victory. In the end, however, TEST saved J5A and showed that they can play at diplomacy and deceit just as well as the Goons. The Goons managed to take a few systems in Fountain from friendly allies, though, and in my view, fun was had by all – even if it was at 1/10th speed.

The final view I had as my bomber and then pod disintegrated around me, was the arrival of an Apoc fleet on the B-D station to continue the fight.